Posts Categorized: Ingredient guides



Quinoa has risen to A-list super stardom over the past few years. Once the preserve of the health-conscious few, quinoa has erupted into the mainstream. In fact, 2013 was officially the ‘International Year of Quinoa’, so said the UN. Now no superfood salad would be complete without a sprinkling of quinoa for good measure. You… Read more



Tofu: the vegan cliché! This stalwart of the vegan cookbook has come in for some heavy criticism from those on the ‘outside’ over the years. However, for those ‘in the know’, tofu is a delicious and versatile delight. I want to address a couple of popular tofu myths: Tofu is slimy and gooey Tofu is bland… Read more

Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional Yeast

This gem of an ingredient is relatively unknown outside of vegan circles. It’s the secret to many a convincing dairy free dish. It adds that ‘I can’t taste the difference’ quality. It also adds a hard-hitting punch of nutrition. Nutritional yeast might not be the most catchy or memorable name on the market but as… Read more