Mac & Cheese

Here’s another veg classic given a vegan twist. Mac & Cheese is a firm favourite of vegan restaurants in the US. It’s a staple comfort food that reminds vegans that carbs and cheese can be both ethically and nutritionally kind. However, I’ve yet to find a decent vegan version of M&C in the UK. Up until now that is!

And why do I plump for the moniker ‘Mac & Cheese’ over good old Macaroni Cheese? That’s because, Mac & Cheese is qunitessentially different to the UK version of Macaroni Cheese. M&C is luxurious, comforting, baked, thick and devilishly creamy. I’m not saying a UK Macaroni Cheese isn’t some of those things, but it hasn’t got that y’all feeling that M&C oozes with every salivating mouthful.

This is an incredibly simple recipe that uses a cheese sauce which is so versatile you’ll find yourself making it for a variety of different dishes: a thickened version is great as fondue or as the filling for a grilled cheese sandwich – your imagination only limits the possibilities.

Why you should make this

  1. There are days when comfort food will only hit the spot
  2. A versatile dish that has endless modifications
  3. Chow down guilt free – this dish is super low in  saturated fat and is, of course, cholesterol free

How you make this

Again, with most vegan recipes, you’re in control. Make this as cheesy, as thick or as flavoured as you’d like. This method makes a version, not the only version. Use this as a guide.


1 cup Cashew nuts
2tbsp Tahini
2/3 cup Soy or nut milk
1/3 cup of soy single cream
2 tsps Fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1/3 cup of nutritional yeast
2 tbsp canola oil
Cubed smoked tofu (optional)



Ok, this is a one pot (blender) dish that can be made and refrigerated for 3-4 days. It. Is. Easy.

In your food processor, add the cashew nuts and blend on full until the nuts are finely chopped.

You'll never get a fine dust, so finely chopped is definitely good enough

You’ll never get a fine dust, so finely chopped is definitely good enough

Tip: using raw unsoaked cashews will give the cheese sauce a textured look and feel (which I love). If you want a smoother sauce, soak the cashews overnight in cold water, drain, pat dry and then blend.


Add the milk and cream and blend on full for 2-3 minutes. While the blender is going, trickle in 2 tbsp of canola oil. This will help the mixture blend together.

Add the remaining ingredients (except the cubed, smoked tofu, if using) and blend well to combine.

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Finally, if you want to add the smoked tofu, stir into the finished sauce – this should a delicate smoked flavour to the sauce – think a banjo strum to that y’all feeling!

The cheese sauce can be kept refridgerated for 3-4 days before cooking

The cheese sauce can be kept refridgerated for 3-4 days before cooking

And you’re done. Easy!

The trick here is that when you heat the sauce, either by adding to hot pasta or baking in the oven, it will thicken even more.

Next, boil up some macaroni, I prefer al dente. In this recipe, I added some cauliflower for extra pizzazz! Once boiled, drain, return to the hob and then stir in the cheese sauce.

I can almost taste that “y’all”!

If you’re serving there and then, add heat back to the pan until the sauce thickens to the desired level. If you prefer to bake the M&C (in my opinion, this is a must – how about baking it and then frying it off of extra crispy decadence?!), tip into a baking dish and add a few small blocks of vegan margarine to the top. Bake in the oven for 20mins or until brown on top.

I served with a hearty salad but feel free to chow down on this with anything (or nothing) as an accompaniment!

The finished article

The finished article


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