Classic Apple Pie

Autumn is nearing a close and the Apple tree in our garden has finally shed it’s huge load of apples. In fact, I’m sure it’s a relief for the poor tree as the branches were sagging under the weight and sheer quantity of fruit.

Picking the apples is no quick task and something that has to be done in several phases. It was a lovely autumn day this Sunday so we got the ladders out and started picking off the loveliest looking specimens.

In no time we’d filled two boxes and my mind began racing with all the delicious apple recipes we could make.

Instantly, Apple pie came to mind. One of my favourite recipes and something that would definitely be fitting on such a leaf-fallen autumn day.

This pie uses my shortcrust pastry recipe which you can view here. The recipe is based on a classic American recipe as I think the Americans make the best Apple pie! Enjoy!


One batch of shortcrust pastry (I doubled the quantities used in the recipe)

6 large Bramley apples cored and peeled
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
Quarter cup of plain flour
Quarter cup caster sugar (with one tbsp reserved)
Tbsp vegan margarine/butter


  • Line and grease a pie dish
  • Rollout half the pastry to form the pie base
  • Add into the pie dish, cover with baking parchment and add ceramic baking balls on top and bake at 180C for 15 mins
  • Meanwhile, slice the peeled and cored apples into thin half moon slices
  • Combine the flour, sugar (except 1 tbsp) and the nutmeg and cinnamon. Tip over the apples and toss the apples around so the covered in the sugary coating (use your hands here!)
  • Roll out the second half of the pastry to form the lid of the pie
  • Add the apple mixture into the prebaked base (be sure to remove the ceramic balls and parchment first!). Really try and pack the mixture in well. Where possible, ensure the apples are stacked horizontally- this will look great when you cut into the pie!
  • Carefully add on the pastry lid and trim the excess pastry with a knife. Crimp the edges and cut some steam holes in the top. If you’re feeling fancy, add some pastry decoration using any excess pastry from the trim
  • Melt the butter and brush liberally on top
  • Finally sprinkle with the reserved sugar
  • Bake for up to 30mins at 180C. The pastry lid should be crispy and caramelised when tapped

Serve warm or chilled with copious amounts of soya cream or dairy-free vanilla ice-cream


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